Story - of a little girl / a letter of mother

1 Story -apple and girl  

A lovely little girl was holding two apples with both hands.
Her mum came in and softly asked her little daughter with a smile: my sweetie, could you give your mum one of your two apples?
The girl looked up at her mum for some seconds, then she suddenly took a quick bite on one apple, and then quickly on the other.
The mum felt the smile on her face freeze. She tried hard not to reveal her disappointment.
Then the little girl handed one of her bitten apples to her mum,and said: mummy, here you are. This is the sweeter one.
No matter who you are, how experienced you are, and how knowledgeable you think you are, always delay judgement. Give others the privilege to explain themselves. What you see may not be the reality.


A mother writes a heartfelt letter to her son,
on why he should not laugh at his wife’s shapeless rotis.
A must read.

Dear Son,
Hope this letter finds you in 
the best of spirits and health.
You might be surprised to find an email from your mom.
Something told me to write to you; that you need to hear from me today.
It was indeed one of the best evenings that your father and I spent when
you visited us with your new wife yesterday. Rest assured, we liked her immensely.
I could see that both of you are very much in love and that makes
me happy. May your love grow every moment!

Now let me get to the reason for writing this letter. I don’t know whether

you remember, but during dinner, you cracked a joke about the shapeless rotis

that Lavanya makes. We all laughed and your father laughed the loudest.

There were tears of laughter in your father’s eyes and there were tears in your

wife’s eyes too. I can assure you that her tears were not of mirth; they were

tears of mortification, of shame brought about by the innocuous

joke that you cracked.

I guess that joke was the reason why we heard raised voices coming

from your room yesterday night and the reason why Lavanya appeared

puffy eyed in the morning. Maybe she cried all night.

Son, I want to tell you something. I love shapeless rotis. They bring back

many fond memories. They remind me of the shapeless rotis made by my

father on certain Saturday mornings when my mother had extra duty at her office.

They often lacked salt, were hard like rock and were shaped like various continents.

But his love for us compensated for all that it lacked.

Shapeless rotis also bring memories of those days when your father turned

into my cook. It was during those early days of pregnancy while I was carrying you.

I couldn’t bear the smell of spices or rice or anything cooking.

Your father would churn out shapeless rotis and experimental curries, which

tasted quite good because he wanted to provide home cooked food for his wife and

unborn child. His care and affection made those rotis priceless.

Do you remember how you used to insist on helping me while I prepared rotis

when you were around four years old? You would play with the dough and create

various shapes that you wanted to be cooked and served to all.

I can tell you, those were the tastiest rotis that I ever ate.

Words can create a world full of love.

Yet, a thoughtless word is enough to destroy that world.

Lavanya and you are equally qualified; you both earn equally well too.

You have both spent an equal number of years educating yourself to be

the professionals that you are. But you expect Lavanya to become the perfect

cook and home-maker from the moment you married her! How unreasonable is that?

Rahul, no new wife wants to be ridiculed in front of her in-laws. Trust me, I can

tell you that. Been there, done that. She craves to be loved by them and she

expects her husband’s support in her effort at endearing herself to them.

Teething troubles in marriages are often capable of draining out the love

you have for each other. Be there for her while she adapts herself to your world.

A small token of appreciation and open support is all that she will need.

You are my beloved son and I know you have learned to see the brighter side of things.

Value love more than any other thing because son, perfectly round rotis are

often machine made. They lack the most essential ingredient; Love.

Wishing you a world of love,

Your loving mother.


Dear mom,

Like every normal girl, I was excited about marriage right from my childhood days. I never thought beyond the time that I would spend happily with my prince charming. 
But today when I am married, I realize that marriage is not all roses. It’s not just about being with your beloved and having a gala time. There is so much more to it. It comes with its own share of responsibilities, duties, sacrifices and compromises. 
I can’t wake up anytime I want to. 
I am expected to be up and ready before everyone else in the family. 
I can’t laze around in my pyjamas throughout the day. 
I am expected to be presentable every time. 
I can’t just go out anytime I want to.
I am expected to be sensitive to the needs of the family. 
I just can’t hit the bed anytime I want to. 
I am expected to be active and around the family. 
I can’t expect to be treated like a princess but am supposed to take care of everyone else in the family. 
And then I think to myself, ‘why did I get married at all?’ I was happier with you, mom. Sometimes I think of coming back to you and getting pampered again. 
I want to come home to my favourite food cooked by you every evening after a nice outing with friends. I want to sleep on your laps like I have no worry in this world. But then I suddenly realize, had you not got married and made such sacrifices in your life, I wouldn’t have had so many wonderful memories to hang on to. And suddenly, the purpose of all this becomes clear- to return the same comfort, peace and happiness to my new family that I got from you.

And I am sure that as time would pass, I would start loving this life equally as you do. Thank you mom for all the sacrifices and compromises you made. They give me the strength to do the same. Love you. 
Your ladli -khushi

Beautiful letter written by a father to his son
Dear son ,

I am writing this to you because of 3 reasons

1. Life, fortune and mishaps are unpredictable, nobody knows how long he lives. Some words are better said early.

2. I am your father, and if I don't tell you these, no one else will.

 3. What is written is my own personal bitter experiences that perhaps could save you a lot of unnecessary heartaches. Remember the following as you go through life

 1. Do not bear grudge towards those who are not good to you. No one has the responsibility of treating you well, except your mother and I. 
To those who are good to you, you have to treasure it and be thankful, and ALSO you have to be cautious, because, everyone has a motive for every move. When a person is good to you, it does not mean he really likes you. You have to be careful, don't hastily regard him as a real friend.

2. No one is indispensable, nothing is in the world that you must possess. 
Once you understand this idea, it would be easier for you to go through life when people around you don't want you anymore, or when you lose what/who you love the most.

 3. Life is short. 
When you waste your life today, tomorrow you would find that life is leaving you. The earlier you treasure your life, the better you enjoy life.

4. Love is but a transient feeling, and this feeling would fade with time and with one's mood. If your so called loved one leaves you, be patient, time will wash away your aches and sadness. 
Don't over exaggerate the beauty and sweetness of love, and don't over exaggerate the sadness of falling out of love.

 5.A lot of successful people did not receive a good education, that does not mean that you can be successful by not studying hard! Whatever knowledge you gain is your weapon in life. 
One can go from rags to riches, but one has to start from some rags!

 6.I do not expect you to financially support me when I am old, neither  would I financially support your whole life. My responsibility as a supporter ends when you are grown up. After that, you decide whether  you want to travel in a public transport or in your limousine, whether rich or poor.

7. You honour your words, but don't expect others to be so. You can be good to people, but don't expect people to be good to you. If you don't understand this, you would end up with unnecessary troubles.

 8. I have bought lotteries for umpteen years, but I could never strike any prize. That shows if you want to be rich, you have to work hard! There is no free lunch!

9. No matter how much time I have with you, let's treasure the time we have together. We do not know if we would meet again in our next life.

                 Your Dad ...m

~Rahul prasad~
